Sustainable 60: Movement Fundamentals

Movement does not necessarily have to mean resistance training, yoga, cardio, or the traditional things we think of when you hear the word "exercise." We chose our words very carefully for this habit challenge, so the thing we really want you to focus on is general MOVEMENT.


One of the biggest predictors of overall health, longevity, and the ability to meet your health and wellness goals is the amount of general movement you get each day. Our bodies are designed to move. When we move well and often- especially outside and in ways that help manage our stress- other facets of health like our sleep, stress levels, and mental/emotional states improve in addition to the benefits of the movement alone. 


So for the sake of the next 60 days, we really want you to push yourself to get creative with your movement. The more you can multitask while you move the better! Some ideas to get you started:


- Walk while listening in on your work meetings, phone calls, favorite podcasts or shows.

- Plan a 5 minute walk break into your work days.

- Stretch during commercials.

- Commit to cleaning your house for 30 minutes without sitting down.

- Park further away.

- Workout but make it more fun or intentional by inviting a friend, journaling on your rest breaks, treating yourself to a movie or Netflix episode while you do it, or rewarding yourself with a bubble bath afterwards.


Sustainable 60: Hydration Fundamentals